03 February 2010


So tonight we went to the PV of Kilimanjaro
- an interesting exhibition in Hoxton Sq-
By the time we'd got there tho Mr. Testino had apparently bought it.
What a waste of our blank cheques!
So, after queuing up for ages to top ourselves up on
The 'Double Trouble'
of Pernod / Absinth
We set out and about exploring this busy exhib! Crowdy Corridors!

Look! Important book!
The main piece of the exhibiton was a variety of sculptures by Alex Hoda
-Look! A dog and a Pig making friends!
DogPig? PigDog? Piggy Back? Doggy style?

We liked this wall mounted piece by Michael Samuels

And of course, who do we bump into? AGAIN?
Twice in one week!
our favourite Candleabra and his lady companion.
Only this time, instead of looking like a mantlepiece,
he looked like something from a Bjork video.
Part wizard, part tribal warrior.
However he was avoiding us, so you will have to make do
with this very accurate "artists impression"

Although this may be more accurate
We look forward to our next meeting!

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